
Some NY Dems unenthused at Clinton’s VP

Clinton and Kaine are planning a post-convention bus trip through the swing states of Pennsylvania and OH after a sendoff rally here Friday – a very nostalgic move for Clinton, who accompanied her husband, his running mate Al Gore and his wife Tipper in a barnstorming bus tour following his Democratic convention in NY in 1992.


“It is beneath the character of the kind of dialogue we should have”, Kaine said.

He said one of the worst moments of his life was the day of the mass shooting at Virginia Tech, when a gunman slaughtered 32 people in April 2007. “Yeah, they are. He’s more conservative than I am”.

Benet also said Kaine supported some restrictions on abortions as governor, which Benet opposes.

“I often feel like there’s the Hillary standard and then there’s the standard for everybody else”, she said.

All this and more in Kaine’s extensive record of serving the undemocratic power of wealth indicate that if Hillary Clinton is reaching out to Bernie Sanders’ 13 million voters, she is doing so while sticking her political thumbs in their eyes.

For instance, how does Kaine feel about being “vice president in a White House with two presidents”, as Scott Pelley put it? Well, sort of. On the issue of the Republican National Convention’s anti-Hillary theme, Kaine, who oozes positivity, said, “When I see this, you know, ‘Crooked Hillary, ‘ or I see the, ‘Lock her up, ‘ it’s just ridiculous”.

They outlined plans to draw attention to a series of scandalous allegations that have dogged Clinton throughout her career. They spoke of his choice to take a year off and work with missionaries in Honduras rather than taking a prestigious internship while learning at Harvard, and Kaine mentioned that this was his first taste of what a dictatorship was like, insinuating correlations with a Trump presidency.

“It had nothing to do with me, except I might have pointed it out”, Trump said.

One of the big topics of the night was Kaine’s stance on gun violence, which Clinton mentioned multiple times. I called him from outside the Viking Hotel in Newport.

This is one of the most consequential elections in our lifetimes.

“I don’t think he was ever saying this was some sort of factual piece of information”, Priebus said. “No one does anything alone”.


As if to address concerns of progressives who worry he’s too moderate, Kaine insisted during his speech, “We’re going to continue [Hillary’s] work with a strong progressive agenda”.
