
Some Sanders Nevada delegates back Clinton; others balk

While not all Sanders supporters are “feeling the Bern” for Clinton, a Pew Poll shows 85 percent will end up voting for her. Sanders supporter Mitch Henry said he is switching to Clinton to unite the Democratic Party, while Republicans remain divided over Donald Trump.


Sanders said, “Hillary Clinton will make an outstanding president and I am proud to stand with her here today”.

Sanders handily beat Clinton in the Granite State during the first-in-the-nation primary, giving his campaign a huge boost. Gilroy says although she’s a delegate to the Democratic Convention, there’s no guarantee she’ll vote for Clinton.

Democratic US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders stand together during a campaign rally where Sanders endorsed Clinton in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, on Tuesday. That plank was Sanders’ top policy goal heading into the Orlando, but it was voted down out of respect for President Obama, who supports the TPP.

“I still trust him, I haven’t lost any trust in Bernie Sanders”, Todd said.

Though he has known Clinton for 25 years, Sanders has downplayed their friendship, telling NPR last year, “I’m not gonna tell you we are bosom buddies”.

“If he joins with her, I will burn my Bernie shirt, take down my bumper stickers, and never become involved in politics again”, the poster wrote.

“In these stressful times for our country, this election must be about bringing our people together, not dividing us up”, Sanders said.

The endorsement is the latest step in a healing process for the Democratic Party after a divisive primary season, including a contentious Nevada State Convention that had to be cut short after being halted by protests.

It’s still unclear whether the decision to endorse Clinton will sway Sanders’ die-hard supporters – many of whom are young and independent – to support her.

In another sign of the Democrats’ growing unity, two prominent liberal groups that had backed Sanders, the Communications Workers of America labor union and the Congressional Progressive Caucus PAC, announced their support for Clinton on Monday.

In recent weeks Sanders has influenced the Democratic Party platform on a number of issues, including minimum wage, giving some of his supporters hope for a Hillary presidency.

“And there is no doubt in my mind that, as we head into November, Hillary Clinton is far and away the best candidate to do that”.

Trump, who has courted Sanders’ backers as the primaries have winded down, wasted little time going after Sanders, accusing him of capitulating to Clinton.

Some Sanders supporters expressed disappointment with the move, but one Albany Sanders supporter said he did the right thing. “I think they certainly needed to have this endorsement happen this week”. He even endorsed Sanders back in October. “These are Bernie’s fights”, Clinton said.

But Burk won’t support Clinton, either.

Sanders’ speech made no reference to breaking up the too-big-to-fail banks that packaged and marketed fraudulent collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) in the trillions of dollars to an unsuspecting world.

“I think this helps him operate from within the Democratic Party”, she said.


Trump has also been taunting Sanders on Twitter, suggesting that he has sold out his supporters.

Democratic presidential candidate speaks at a Portland rally in July