
Sony Not Talking Morpheus Headset Price And The Reason Makes Sense

Sony is planning on releasing the Morpheus virtual reality headset next year for the PlayStation 4; it’s a very cool accessory, but it is a product that comes with a baggage of questions- will it be well supported, especially given Sony’s history of introducing new peripherals that hop on the market bandwagon, only to be abandoned a little while later?


Both the Project Morpheus and Oculus Rift will be coming out in 2016.

Everyone wants to know: How much will Project Morpheus cost? The publisher’s press conference was dedicated to games, which is great – but the release window for Sony’s headset is fast approaching, and fans still no next to nothing about what to expect come launch day…and that includes the price.

Sony is aiming to make Morpheus available for “as low as possible”, which isn’t surprising considering the competition the company will be up against.

Yoshida said Sony only announced the price of the PS4 five months before launch. Oculus announced that a full Rift setup would cost $1,500, factoring in the cost of a PC capable of running everything smoothly.

In a recent interview with, Yoshida revealed his thoughts on 360 videos, and their place within the Project Morpheus platform.


Yoshida also explained that they are not waiting for Oculus to go first with the announcement of their own VR headset’s price. “We just want to make sure that their content and other companies content works really really well on Morpheus”. A price point in the $200-$400 range sounds like a good bet for Oculus. “The games have always been in development, but our teams and software teams, we ask them to target E3 because GDC was a time when we barely had the working hardware”.

Sony still not ready to talk price of Project Morpheus