
Sony offers Black Friday PS4 deal – Uncharted bundle at $299

Microsoft has also recently introduced a new user interface, which is created to integrate the console in the bigger Windows 10 ecosystem while Sony is promising that it will continue to improve the social and the sharing elements of the PlayStation 4. According to GameSpot, there are two main bundles offered for the PS4. Well, Sony is going to have a $300 bundle of its PS4 for sale on Black Friday too.


PS4 gamers really lucked out when it comes to the number of great games that released in 2015, and Black Friday at Wal-mart will be the best time to buy some of 2015’s best PS4 games. That’s the same price as Microsoft’s cheapest Xbox One bundles, which are now selling at prices of $50 off at most, though you’ve got to give it to Sony, which clearly wants to make up for last year’s “oversight”, where it was beaten by Microsoft in terms of holiday sales. Customers in Canada will also be able to purchase the same bundle from Friday through Monday for $369.99.

Sony explicitly says in its post that this deal is only for the Nathan Drake Collection PS4, meaning Sony isn’t cutting the price of any other PS4 bundles. You’ll get a 500GB PS4, and three PS3-era Uncharted titles, namely Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, and Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception.

Outside of that deal, there are many more to choose from right now, with Thanksgiving week having started in earnest today.

Let us know what gaming consoles you plan on buying by leaving a comment.


Dell’s Bundle – Dell is offering an online-only doorbuster deal starting at 6:00 p.m. EDT on Thanksgiving Day with the “Gears of War: Ultimate Bundle”, plus a free controller and a copy of “Fallout 4”, all for only $299.99. But if you venture to Kohl’s – which isn’t something we normally recommend for Black Friday – you’ll also earn $75 in Kohl’s cash (the retailer is offering $15 for every $50 spent). The Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 PS4 bundle should stay $429. This bundle comes with full-downloads of Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition and Rise of the Tomb Raider, and the exclusive Tactical Survival Kit Content Pack along with an extra free Xbox One wireless controller that will allow more people to join in on the fun.

Backwards compatability between the PS2 and PS4 could bring a generation of legendary games to the latest console