
Sony PlayStation VR Gets Price, Delayed Launch

Addressing investors, he further stated that doing so would allow Sony to grab on to a massive 64 percent of the virtual reality market.


At £499 and £689 respectively, PlayStation VR will be significantly cheaper, and unlike both rival systems will not require a powerful PC in order to run, instead plugging into the PlayStation 4 console.

Components of Sony’s PlayStation VR, including Playstation Move motion controllers at bottom right, are displayed during an event in San Francisco, California March 15, 2016. This would leave competition, such as Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, scrambling for their share in the remaining 36 percent.

The big ticket item of the launch bundle-out with the PS VR headset itself-appears to be the PlayStation VR Worlds disc, which provides players with five different VR experiences.

The core PS VR bundle (the headset, cables, headphones, and VR demo disc) will not be available for pre-sale, but will be available for $399.99 USD/$549.99 CAD when released. PlayStation VR could have its killer app just in time for the end of the year.

“To make sure that we are able to prepare and deliver enough units of PS VR and a wide variety of software titles to consumers worldwide, we have made a decision to launch PS VR in October 2016”. Now Sony’s got you covered.

Pre-orders have also been taken on bundles combining Rift with compatible gaming computers starting about US$1,500.


More than 230 developers are building content for the PlayStation VR device. Some of the games announced so far include Star Wars: Battlefront, Until Dawn: Rush of Blood, EVE: Valkyrie, Rez Infinite, Wayward Sky, Rigs: Mechanized Combat League – the list keeps on growing with each month.

PlayStation VR processing unit