
Soon you can watch high definition videos from ISS

A max of 300 frames per second means that extremely fast-moving action such as docking procedures can be captured with total clarity. The higher resolution images and higher frame rate videos can reveal more information when used on science investigations, giving researchers a valuable new tool aboard the space station.


Astronauts being sent to the ISS are frequently finding themselves now becoming camera crew and science communicators for the eager viewers down here on Earth with NASA astronaut Terry Virts and the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Sam Cristoforetti being the most recent examples. Bu they also take some time to have a little fun.

The video shows the effervescent bubble shooting off smaller water bubbles as the tablet dissolves and Virts adds and subtracts water from it with a syringe.

“This is a huge leap in camera technology for spaceflight”, Grubbs said.

But now, that the Red Epic Dragon Camera is aboard the ISS, the crew can capture footage of a resolution as high as 6K, or more accurately, 6144 x 3160 pixels. “It’s like having a high-speed 35mm motion-picture film camera, but it’s compact, it can use lenses we already have up there, and it’s digital”.


Nasa says it will release more 4K footage for public viewing over the coming months. They plan to post new videos every few weeks, bringing the spectacular views into your living room.

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