
South African prosecutors file Pistorius appeal

Pistorius was acquitted of murdering Steenkamp deliberately but found guilty of her manslaughter by shooting at her four times through a locked lavatory door on St Valentine’s Day 2013. They did forgive Pistorius for what happened, but said that those who had been found guilty should be held accountable and not be released early.


Luvuyo Mfaku, National Prosecuting Authority Spokesman, said the team had filed an appeal against the judgment delivered by Judge Thokozile Masipa.

State prosecutors want his conviction to be reviewed and converted to murder, with a minimum sentence of 15 years. He will serve a portion of the rest of his sentence on house arrest, wearing an electronic monitoring bracelet.

According to sources, Pistorius will live at his uncle Arnolds home in Pretorias Waterkloof suburb. He only served 10 months of his five-year jail sentence. The prosecution will argue that Pistorius’ conviction should be increased to murder.

Although the athlete will no longer be behind bars, his parole conditions are tough: he will not be allowed to leave the house except to attend church services.

Pistorius testified that he shot Steenkamp after mistaking her for a risky intruder hiding in his bathroom.

Pistorius’ lawyers have a month to respond and the Supreme Court is expected to hear the appeal in November.

Usually ankle bracelets are applied to those under house arrest or on probation, but as both of Pistorius’ legs were amputated below the knee, he is unable to wear a standard device.

According to “Independent UK”, in a letter submitted to the parole board, Ms Steenkamp’s parents said: “Incarceration of 10 months for taking a life is simply not enough”.

Masipa, however, dismissed the State’s application to appeal Pistorius’s five-year-jail sentence.


Pistorius became an icon after he competed in the two most prestigious sport events, the Paralympics and Olympics.

Oscar Pistorius out of jail next week