
South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley Signs 20 Week Abortion Ban Into Law

Nikki Haley signed a bill making it illegal in the state for a woman to obtain an abortion after her pregnancy reaches 20 weeks, press secretary Chaney Adams said. South Dakota’s ban takes effect July 1.


It will become illegal for women in SC to get an abortion after 20 weeks starting on July 1.

Similar laws in other states have been struck down as unconstitutional in the courts. The law makes exceptions to save the life of the mother, or if the unborn child has severe abnormalities that would prevent viability outside of the womb. “This risky and politically-motivated measure bans abortion after 20 weeks with no exceptions for victims of rape or incest, and no consideration for a woman’s individual circumstances”.

Medical personnel who perform abortions at 20 weeks and beyond face up to three years in prison and a $10,000 fine. There are no exceptions for cases of rape or incest.

As in other states, South Carolina’s law ties the fetus’ age to conception, rather than a women’s monthly cycle.

Supporters of South Carolina’s bill point to claims that fetuses can feel pain after 20 weeks, which has been disputed.

SC state Rep. Wendy Nanney, who sponsored the bill, told WIS-TV she hopes this is the first step in “get [ting] rid of abortion altogether”. Such anomalies are generally detected around 20 weeks.

Doctors who disobey the law could be jailed for performing abortions.

The Post and Courier reports about 50 people gathered at the pro-abortion rally on Tuesday, holding signs and urging the governor to veto the bill.


The bill only affects hospitals, since the state’s three abortion clinics already do not perform the procedures beyond 15 weeks.

Candidate for Senate, Patricia Wheat, Advocates an Investigation and Possible Impeachment of Governor Haley