
South Carolina Man Accused of Killing 9 Should Never Have — FBI Admission

“It’s not clear why that happened”, Comey said of the gap in the FBI’s database, “but it made a big difference”.


“Whoever made this mistake that resulted in the death of nine people should absolutely be held accountable, ” Rice said. And two months later, June 17th, he allegedly uses it to kill nine african-american worshipers in that Charleston church.

Roof’s next court appearance is expected in September. Mr. Comey didn’t specify what kind of gun it was or where it was purchased.

He said Roof went to a West Columbia, S.C., gun shop on April 11 to buy the gun. He declined to give his name.

According to CBS News, Roof used birthday money from his father to buy the firearm.

Loopholes have been discovered before in the FBI’s background check system, called the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. Because the background check took more than three days, the store where Roof was purchasing the gun was allowed to sell it to him. The arresting agency on Roof’s criminal record was erroneously listed as the Lexington County Sheriff’s Office. That department was listed in Richland County — where most of the city is located. Had the examiner seen the drug possession arrest record, “that purchase would have been denied”, Comey said. Roof admitted to having a drug charge, but those who were conducting the background check did not have access to the police report. After the FBI said Friday that Roof should not have been able to buy the.45-caliber Glock handgun in question, Sen Chuck Grassley (R-IA) said that the failure didn’t stem from a lack of regulations.

That problem stemmed from the three-day period the government has to determine whether someone is eligible to buy a gun.

“Human error in this case led for it to fail, but had the information been entered correctly this person would not have been allowed to purchase a gun”, Anderman explained. Under federal law, customers are allowed to purchase the weapons if their cases are in the delayed-pending status, although some retailers still won’t make the sale.

“While it is possible that laws about gun sales might disarm some casually motivated criminals, I don’t think it’s realistic to say the can disarm people intent on mass murder”, Kopel said. “We wish we could turn back time”.

In an hourlong briefing with reporters, Comey said the Federal Bureau of Investigation had begun informing the victims’ family members about the breakdown.

On Friday, that Confederate flag was removed from the grounds of South Carolina’s State House in Columbia. Many people believed that the rebel banner would fly forever in the first state to leave the Union, despite bitter feelings that remained after the flag was demoted from atop the Capitol dome to a Confederate monument out front 15 years ago.

We move on to another stunning admission. FBI, NICS Operations Reports, 2010-2014 [vi][vii][viii] Tenn. Before she could track down the police report, the three days expired and the gun was sold. Instead of investigating and regularly testing the federal laws and systems already in place to keep guns out of the hands of Dylann Roofs… Rarely, the system issues a denial, he said.

In other words, this is the kind of gun control all of America agrees on. “How much of a background check can you really do in 10 seconds?”


Back to my check: How long does it take?

Dylann Roof should not have been able to obtain a gun the FBI said