
South Carolina Removes Confederate Flag from Statehouse

Following the horrific Charleston massacre on June 17, 2015, which left nine dead, people throughout the nation have been debating about the relevance and racism the Confederate flag emanates as it sits on the front lawn of the South Carolina State House.


Flag-removal ceremony a family event for many, WFAE’s Duncan McFadyen reports.

Haley said the flag would be taken down at 10 a.m. Friday, according to Reuters.

Regina Brittangham was watching it all. The flag was not removed after the centennial observance of the war’s beginning, and that time coincided with the civil rights movement in our country. “And that makes you feel good”, she said. It was hoping that they had some peace.

“It’s just a flag for me”. It should not come down.

On Friday, Highway Patrol Cpls.

The lowering of the Confederate flag was the topic of conversation Friday as the NAACP’s 106th annual National Convention kicked off in Philadelphia. Gamble says he’s honored and humbled to be a part of both ceremonies.

“I think for the president, he’s looking long-term at his legacy”.

The capitol flag may find a place among original, historic Confederate flags framed in cases lining the museum’s display rooms.

South Carolina’s leaders first raised the battle flag over the Statehouse dome in 1961 to mark the 100th anniversary of the start of the Civil War, then kept it there as blacks asserted voting rights and demanded an end to racially discriminatory laws. Berry Benson Sons of Confederate Veterans camp are standing by their opinion of the flag – calling it a sign of heritage.

Opposition to the Confederate symbol gained momentum after the killings of nine parishioners at a historic black church in Charleston.

Haley said the importance of teaching the next generation about how to treat people was a major motivator of her decision.

“We saw the families [of the victims] show the world what true forgiveness and grace looked like”, Haley said shortly after signing the bill.

“How do you honor the valor of one when you know it is instilling a sense of fear and racial hatred to a great deal of many”. “I think enough had been said, pro and con, in the House of Representatives on that long night in Columbia”. And that unfairness and inequality won’t continue to exist and have to be struggled against. He served as a private in the South Carolina Calvary, said camp Commander Bobby Snyder.

Newsome, who was arrested for scaling the flagpole at the South Carolina Statehouse grounds last weekend, cited members of the GOP for using America’s denial, or lack of knowledge of the history of the Confederacy, saying,”The thing about what Republicans are doing that is so risky is they are clearly playing to and courting an element of society that is virulently racist, that is violent”.


Some House lawmakers pushed amendments that would have allowed other flags to fly in the same place, but all failed despite hours of fiery debate.

A protester waves a Confederate battle flag