
South China Sea Radar Being Built By China?

Vietnam has invited India to explore and exploit natural resources within its 200-nauticalmile exclusive economic zone in the South China Sea region where China has deployed fighter jets and surfaceto-air missiles to the consternation of other countries.


“The islands in the South China Sea have been China’s territory since ancient times, and China has the right to safeguard its territorial sovereignty”, Wang said. “That’s why we’ve called for all claimants to stop land reclamation, stop construction and stop militarization in the South China Sea”.

A high frequency radar on Cuarteron Reef would increase China’s ability to monitor sea and air traffic coming north from the Malacca Straits and other important channels, the report said.

The U.S. and China showed no sign of quelling tension in the disputed South China Sea as their top diplomats met in Washington on Tuesday.

Yuan’s comments came following a comment at the conference by Japanese Vid Admiral Umio Otsuka, who said that deterrence was becoming increasingly important throughout East and South Asia.

“No commercial vessel has encountered any problem in the area of freedom of navigation”, Wang said.

“As foreign ministers, it is our task to clear the way ahead and to remove obstacles to the smooth development of our bilateral relations”, Wang said, emphasizing that Beijing and Washington have “far more common interests than areas of disagreement”.

“While you’re paying attention to China, have you also paid attention to all the other coastal countries that have occupied China’s islands and reefs in the past decades and deployed radar and advanced weapons there?” she asked.

Navy Captain Darryn James, a spokesman for US Pacific Command, confirmed the report but noted that Chinese fighter jets have previously used the island.

Also, Tuesday, the head of the U.S. Pacific Command testified before Congress where he testified of growing Chinese militarization, claiming China is “changing the operational landscape”.

Harris said the U.S. Navy must invest in next-generation anti-surface missiles to challenge regional rivals.

Kyodo News reported Harris said during the hearing that North Korea is poised to launch another ballistic missile in a test that could defy worldwide sanctions, and that Pyongyang has the capacity to send missiles in Japan’s direction.

Citing two unnamed USA officials, Fox News said U.S. intelligence services had spotted Chinese Shenyang J-11 and Xian JH-7 warplanes on Woody Island in the disputed Paracel Islands chain over the past few days.


Kerry said that both Russian Federation and China have expressed concern over the missile defense system. North Korea has more than 100,000 rockets aimed at Seoul, he said.

China looks to be building radar in the South China Sea indicting they may want control in this disputed area