
South Dakota motorcycle rally gets back to normal after big 2015

Four people were hurt when a motorcyclist performing a stunt accidentally drove into a crowd at the annual Sturgis Motorcyle Rally, said a spokeswoman for the South Dakota campground where the event is held.


Last year, the Sturgis rally saw an estimated 739,000 people – the largest ever. Law enforcement doesnt expect as many this rally, more like a typical year, but that still means tens of thousands of extra vehicles and motorcyles in the state.

Authorities say the crash remains under investigation. He was the only person involved in the crash and was not wearing a helmet.

The Sturgis Police Department has only seen a jump in parking violations.

The campaign came about after highway safety officials noticed a disproportionate number of motorcycles as a percentage of total highway fatalities in the region, said Gina Espinosa-Salcedo, the NHTSA Region 8 director. The influx of travelers provides economic benefits for many towns along the way.

Authorities have identified an IL man who died in a motorcycle crash in western South Dakota.


The City of Riders is already booming with bikers. “We must be the better driver”.

Wyoming officials urge safety as bikers decend for Sturgis rally