
South Korea, China defense officials to discuss North Korea test: Yonhap

China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei told reporters Friday Beijing is to support United Nations sanctions in response to the North’s fourth nuclear test, but with an eye toward denuclearization and defending the peace and stability of the region.


North Korea on Thursday criticized organizers of the World Economic Forum in Davos for revoking an invitation to its delegation in the wake of a nuclear test.

There was a legislation passed unanimously by the House of Representatives in the United States on Tuesday to further increase sanctions on North Korea.

But experts are questioning the North’s boast, saying early evidence suggests the blast, which caused a magnitude 5.1 natural disaster, similar to its last test three years ago, wasn’t caused by a hydrogen bomb. The Koreas are technically still in a state of war since the 1950-53 conflict, and all South Korean males between the ages of 18-35 must undergo compulsory national service.

President Park Geun-hye pledged Wednesday to impose stricter sanctions against North Korea for its recent nuclear bomb test that will include UN Security Council’s “strong and comprehensive” embargos on the reclusive regime’s finance and trade.

The role of China, which keeps North Korea’s moribund economy afloat, is important in ensuring the effectiveness of tougher sanctions against the isolated North. That resolution was largely negotiated by the United States and China, North Korea’s traditional ally.

“I hope the Chinese authorities agree with us that we simply can not take a business as usual approach to this latest provocation”. To put this in perspective, however, the USA has conducted more than 1,000 nuclear tests, continues to conduct subcritical nuclear tests, has not ratified the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, regularly tests nuclear-capable missiles, and plans to spend $1 trillion modernizing its nuclear arsenal.

Soon after the nuclear test, Park held phone conservations with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and U.S. President Barack Obama. “He likes attention and probably would like nothing more than the president to spend a lot of time to talk about it in the State of the Union”, Mr Rhodes said. “And they found that turning on these loudspeakers really elicits a lot of intense reaction on the North Korean side, which at least gives the illusion of effectiveness on some level”.

Seoul, South Korea – South Korea on Wednesday fired 20 machine gun-warning shots after a North Korean drone briefly crossed the rivals’ border, South Korean military officials said.


North Korea says it is boosting defense capabilities in the face of enemy threats.

Warning shots escalate tensions at Korean DMZ