
South Korea prepares big message boards in mind games with North

South Korea is growing frustrated over China’s reluctance to punish North Korea for its latest nuclear test, although Beijing has shown a willingness to accept some form of penalty against its isolated neighbor, diplomatic sources said January 14.


A North Korean defector, Ma Young-ae, told Reuters on Tuesday that she had met Kim in the United States and he had told church gatherings he was a missionary helping North Koreans.

The Security Council last approved sanctions against North Korea three weeks after its third nuclear test on February 12, 2013.

Despite differences over the issue of new Security Council resolutions, the global community must take a “clear and consistent” direction and return to six-party talks, Wang said.

On Monday, Kim Dong-chul spoke to CNN and said he was arrested in North Korea and October because he was caught spying for “South Korean conservative elements” who wanted to overthrow Kim Jong-un from his position.

The House bill had been introduced in early 2015, but was not brought up for a vote until after Pyongyang announced last Wednesday it had tested a hydrogen bomb.

Its findings contradict a North Korean statement in September a year ago that all facilities at the Yongbyon nuclear complex were working normally.

In Pyongyang, Kim called for a bolstering of the country’s nuclear arsenal and the “detonation of more powerful H-bomb in the future”, according to state media.

A malicious code believed to have been created in North Korea was discovered in the messages.

“When a country considers one’s security, one must consider other neighboring nations’ security as well”, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei said, as noted by NK News Thursday.

To become law, it must also pass the U.S. Senate and be signed by Obama.

Since Friday, South Korea has been blasting anti-Pyongyang propaganda and K-pop songs from huge speakers along the border.

Fired warning shots after an unidentified object from North Korea was seen flying close to the rivals’ border, the South’s military said.

South Korea and the United States are considering a military exercise that would simulate a pre-emptive strike against North Korea’s nuclear weapons capabilities.


The situations in the North Korean border region remain unchanged; the residents are utterly indifferent to the success of its nuclear test. The regime propagated justifications for possessing nuclear weapons and its success on the 4 nuclear test that it defends peace and protects from the United States and its other enemies.

South Korea's President Park Geun-hye