
Space Lover Miley Cyrus Gets a Tattoo of Saturn, Calls It Jupiter

Miley Cyrus showed off her latest tattoo on Instagram, but even though she says it’s of Jupiter, it sure looks like Saturn!


Sharing a picture of her new artwork – a planet with a ring around it – to Instagram, Miley told followers her latest addition is Jupiter. “In the post, Cyrus referred to her fresh ink as “#lilbbjupiter”. Given the distinctive rings around it, it’s probably Saturn! Like many of her other tattoos, it’s on the smaller side and is just another quirky piece of body art that covers the singer’s skin.

In case you bunked physics at school, Saturn has a prominent ring system around it, while Jupiter is generally pictured standing alone.

To be fair, Jupiter does have rings round it, which consist of dust and minute rock particles – but they’re pretty hard to see. Or use Google? Jupiter has 4 known rings’.

However fans were quick to point out that it is Saturn that has rings around it and they thought she got it wrong!


Hmmm. Who knew a tattoo could cause such dramz, eh?

Bonding activity Just two weeks ago Miley added to her collection of body art with the name Elvis in the shape of a heart on her forearm left. Her mom Tish Cyrus got an intricate arrow at the same time