
SpaceX pilots: NASA picks 4 astronauts to fly 1st commercial space missions

The American space agency NASA on Thursday announced the names of first four astronauts who will be flying aboard spaceships to be built by private companies Boeing and SpaceX in coming years.


“For the crewed test flights, two NASA astronauts will fly on the SpaceX Crew Dragon, and one NASA and one Boeing astronaut will fly on the Boeing CST-100”. White House science adviser John Holdren joined… Once that feat is accomplished, we’ll be the closest to Mars we’ve been yet.

The long-term goal of the commercial spaceflight program is to bring back the US capability to launch from their own soil rather than continuing to outsource their flights to the Russian space program, according to Bolden’s announcement. He has flown two Space Shuttle missions, both as pilot, and delivered the ISS’ infamous water recycling that turn’s yesterday’s coffee into today’s cappuccino. She has logged over 30,000 flight hours on more than 30 aircraft.

“I can not think of a better way to continue our celebration of independence this July than to mark this milestone as we look to reassert our space travel independence and end our sole reliance on Russian Federation to get American astronauts to the worldwide Space Station”, Bolden said. NASA requires the flight test program include a crewed flight to the worldwide Space Station.

The experienced team have a combined total of more than 500 days and 85 hours spacewalking between them.

An astronaut and ex- Navy SEAL from Maine has been appointed chief of the astronaut office. He earned bachelor’s degrees in physics and mechanical engineering from Washington University in 1992, and a master’s and doctoral degree in mechanical engineering from the California Institute of Technology in 1993 and 1997, respectively.

According to NASA, after the test program is completed and the systems are certified, the companies will conduct between two and six crew rotation missions to the ISS.

Eric Boe Mr. Boe came from the US Air Force Academy, and while serving the military he flew 55 combat missions over Iraq in support of Operation Southern Watch. The roster includes some of the most experienced astronauts NASA has on its books and all have two orbital missions under their belts.

In this February 11, 2011 photo provided by NASA, astronaut Douglas Hurley poses for a photo.

In his new role, Cassidy will be responsible for managing Astronaut Office resources, operations and safety programs.

Sunita Williams, a U.S. Navy captain, was born in Euclid, Ohio, and considers Needham, Massachusetts, her hometown.


In this September 22, 2004 photo provided by NASA, astronaut Sunita Williams poses for a photo. Williams was selected for United States Naval Test Pilot School and began the course in January 1993.

Four astronauts have been selected as the first to fly in the new American crew vehicles being designed by SpaceX and Boeing