
Speaker of House Paul Ryan Speaks at Republican National Convention

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, R-Wis., waits for the official tally of the roll call vote that nominated Donald Trump for president on day two at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.


“For a country so ready for change, it feels like we’ve been cleared for takeoff, and then somebody announced we’re all going back to the gate”, Ryan said.

“I think he is a conservative”, Ryan said of the NY businessman. These Republicans don’t want to draw too close to Trump, lest they alienate the large middle ground of the electorate that is extremely uneasy of a candidate they see as unsafe and unpresidential. Johnson has said in the past he supports but does not endorse Trump. But he may still have to navigate other stunts during the convention, including during the roll call of states for the actual nomination. Twenty-nine of North Carolina’s 72 delegates voted for Trump; not everyone agrees with Dr. Fisher.

And he left them with a rousing version of the Ohio State Buckeyes chant. And Ohio’s delegates had already vowed to stick with the governor. “We’re all on the same team, we all want the same thing”.

The Trump campaign also faces accusations a speech by Mr Trump’s wife Melania on Monday was plagiarised. “Why would you take so much risk as a small business person just to have the government take it away from you?” he asked.

“It’s a process”, state Attorney General Mike DeWine said. “This explains everything right now”, he said. You’ve probably seen Trump Jr. on the trail – he’s been a pretty active surrogate for his dad.

Ryan, the running mate for 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, mentioned Trump only once at the end of his 15-minute speech, which focused mostly on his six-point policy agenda. He later came out in support of Trump after sitting down with the presumptive nominee one on one. Ted Cruz second with 475 and Kasich third with 120. Marco Rubio, of Florida.

House Speaker Paul Ryan is set to address a divided Republican Party Tuesday night in Cleveland with a message of party unity, after a tumultuous 24 hours at the Republican National Convention.


In promoting the presidential ticket, Ryan strongly praised Trump’s vice presidential pick, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, describing him as a good leader and a knowledgeable conservative.
