
Speakers to Watch at the Republican National Convention

Ofcourse if Hillary Clinton did this, cries of “Hillary lies!” would ring out throughout the land.


Intrigued by the candidate, Gaus connected with a couple of Trump Facebook groups and, to her surprise, someone on the Trump campaign reached out and asked her to be a delegate ahead of the March 15 IL primary. The meeting also included potential Clinton running mates like Tim Kaine of Virginia, Elizabeth Warren of MA and Sherrod Brown of Ohio.

After striking out on Tom Brady, Ben Roethlisberger and Mike Ditka, the Republican National Convention finally scored its sports celebrity speaker: Tim Tebow.

“Bottom line, we’re going to follow the law”.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump addresses the audience at the 2016 Western Conservative Summit in Denver, Colorado on July 1, 2016. Party officials said Thursday that Rubio would address the delegates, 169 of which are pledged to him, via video. That’s really good. It’s useful for people to sit up, have their ears perk up, and say, ‘How does this system work again?’ Not in a kind of paranoid, hysterical way, but to wonder, ‘What are the set of circumstances that led us to where we are, and is there room for reform? “Clearly Mike is one of those”. In one famous incident CBS News correspondent Dan Rather was roughed up by hall security, CBS News anchor Walter Cronkite to remark “I think we’ve got a bunch of thugs here, Dan”.

“Who would have thought a year ago that Donald Trump would be the nominee of the Republican Party”.

So What Happened at The Rules Committee Today So Far?

The Democratic presidential candidate was also meeting Thursday with Senate Democrats and campaigning with Virginia Sen.

“For me this was an easy choice” and “nothing to do” with Trump, Murkowski said.

Information from The Associated Press was used in this report.

A lot of GOP senators are skipping the RNC this year, for a wide variety of reasons.

But she and others insist that even without the explicit change, current GOP rules already let delegates vote freely.

Even Sen. Rob Portman of OH, a vulnerable senator whose state is playing host to the convention, said he will only be dropping into the convention hall from time to time, but not delivering a speech or staying to watch speeches from others. He said he plans to visit that site next week.

FBI Director James Comey said authorities were investigating the possibility of domestic terrorists trying to disrupt the events. “So I am urging other delegates to vote their conscience, and I am definitely hoping we come out of that convention with a different nominee who can win”.

RNC leaders and the Trump campaign have long said they had the votes to turn back the conservatives’ proposals, including the effort to unbind the delegates.

When the Trump campaign went looking for other IL delegates, it cast a wide net.

Times reporter Maggie Haberman took to Twitter to blame the Trump campaign’s senior advisers for spreading “misinformation” on who would appear on stage for the RNC. He says he had not heard from the Trump campaign Thursday morning.

Gingrich praised Trump for running a “very fair, open process” and said he looked forward to the businessman’s decision. Michael McCaul of Texas, Ryan Zinke of Montana, Chris Collins of NY and Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee; and Sens.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg says she regrets her “ill-advised” public criticism of Donald Trump. She promises to be more circumspect in the future. She escalated her criticism in subsequent media interviews.


With Donald Trump expected to formally accept the GOP’s presidential nomination, numerous protest groups for and against the billionaire developer are preparing to launch dozens of rallies and marches across the OH city, which is anticipating 50,000 visitors for the GOP’s quadrennial gathering.

Tim Tebow