
Spectacular Intel ‘Drone 100’ Lit Up The Sky And Broke World Records

Intel has taken it upon themselves to acquit 100 Drones with LED lights and program them to carry out a wide variety of in-flight manoeuvres to create a fantastic drone light show which is also set a new world record.


Intel engineers put on a spectacular display at Flugplatz Ahrenlohe in Tornesch, Germany, which you can now watch in the newly released video below.

The display culminated with the flying machines spelling out Intel in the sky, prompting rapturous applause and cheering from the spellbound audience.

Guinness World Records adjudicator Pravin Patel was on hand to confirm the record had been broken.

“As soon as you say drone, people immediately think “dangerous” – but it isn’t really, it can be handsome”, Horst Hoertner, senior director of Ars FutureLab, which built Drone 100 with Intel, explained.

While this is the first time that fireworks have been made out of drones, the two have met before. As the orchestra plays the music, the drones in the air put on a light show that was in time to the music.


Intel CEO Brian Krzanich said that Drone 100 redefined the fireworks experience while eliminating the inherent risks that are expected from using traditional pyrotechnics. “We can work together on different goals to make sure that it’s safe”.

The world record for the largest number of drones kept airborne simultaneously has been broken by a team of Intel engineers and Ars Electronica Futurelab