
Speed limit info now showing up on Google Maps, Android Auto

Google Maps has started this week to work even harder to keep everybody safe on the road. You don’t want to make that discovery after you’ve been issued a ticket for driving too fast.


Let us know if you’re starting to see this Speed Limit sign on your Google Maps app and whether it’s on the phone or Auto.

During the release of Google Map’s version 9.35 beta a few weeks ago, one user spotted the speed limit support in the app’s APK.


The feature is probably server-side switched so you can’t force it to appear on your app. It appears the app still doesn’t track how fast your vehicle is moving or alert your when you go over the speed limit, the way many other Global Positioning System apps do (including the Google-owned Waze). When you launch a new navigation you’ll see the indicator on the bottom of the screen in both the smartphone Android app and with Android Auto. Well, their hopes are finally here as Google launches a speed limit feature for Google Maps. We’re not sure if it will actually warn drivers if they’re over the limit, a feature that Waze has built into it, but it would be a pretty convenient feature to have to avoid getting pulled over for speeding. Moreover, it is unclear for now if Google has stored data for all of the countries or just on a certain continent.

Speed limit info now showing up on Google Maps Android Auto
       By Ida Torres