
Spielberg and Ford may reunite for Indiana Jones 5

Ford has done four Indiana Jones films, while Hanks is the star of Saving Private Ryan, Catch Me If You Can, The Terminal, and now Bridge of Spies.


While the prolific Bridge of Spies director may be cracking a joke at the end there, it’s very interesting to note that he specifically mentions Ford in relation to Indiana Jones 5.

In Ready Player One, written by Ernest Cline, a teenager enters a virtual-reality world in which participants solve puzzles based on pop-culture nostalgia in hopes of obtaining a fortune.

“I’m trying to get the whole thing cast by the first of the year, and start shooting in July”, he says of Ready Player One, which is set for release in December 2017. This film is his fourth time working with Hanks, matching his four times working with Ford on the Indiana Jones films. [Then] I’ve got to make another one with Tom, so that will be five for Tom, five for Harrison. Speaking to USA Today, Spielberg says, “but I’m not making this movie to remind people of my ’80s movies”. I mean, we’ve had no discussions on Indy 5 to date. With smashes such as the Indiana Jones franchise, E.T. In fact, there were rumors that Disney was looking into signing the Guardians of the Galaxy actor to play the role. And considering the polarizing effect of 2008’s “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull”, that’s probably a good thing.

It must be exciting, as an author, to learn that your book is being turned into a movie by Steven Spielberg. So, if a fifth movie does happen, it would bring Spielberg back to the director’s chair, and possibly he won’t rely on a Lucas story, and perhaps that will be the confidence the studio needs to move forward with the franchise.


Han Solo and Rick Deckard aren’t the only iconic roles that Harrison Ford will be reprising in the next few years – if Steven Spielberg has his way, that his.

Steven Spielberg is ready for 'Player One'