
Spokeswoman Rejects Bahraini Minister’s Anti-Iran Remarks

The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said the Islamic Republic has always acted responsibly and made efforts to strengthen regional peace and stability, urging Manama to work to deal with the root cause of the problems in Bahrain instead of playing a “blame game” and seeking to create an atmosphere of tension.


Bahrain has foiled a conspiracy to smuggle in high-grade explosives, automatic weapons and ammunition from Iran.

The suspects have admitted receiving the shipment from Iranian handlers outside Bahrain’s territorial waters. It added that one had received military training at a Revolutionary Guards camp in Iran in 2013.

Bahrain has reported a growing number of attacks using homemade explosives, some of them deadly, in the past two years and has accused a banned Shia opposition group called Saraya al-Ashtar of responsibility for some of them.

“Egypt fullyl rejects interference in the internal affairs of Arab brotherly countries”, the statement read, calling for commitment to the provisions of the United Nations Charter that confirmed the respect for the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other states.

Sunni Muslim-ruled Bahrain, home to the U.S. Navy’s Fifth Fleet, often accuses Iran, a Shi’ite Muslim theocracy, of seeking to subvert Bahrain.


Bahrain summoned Monday the Iranian embassy’s acting charge d’affaires Mortadha Sanubari, protesting the Supreme leader’s “flagrant and unacceptable interference”, as mentioned by the official Bahrain News Agency.

Spokeswoman Rejects Bahraini Minister's Anti-Iran Remarks