
Sports League reveals anti-doping programme

According to a post on the CS:GO sub-reddit from ESL communications boss Anna Rozwandowicz, the new policy is a small, but “meaningful step forward for professional gamers across all games, ESL as an event organizer, and the esports industry as a whole”. The ESL has stated that recreational use must be stopped on the first day of events straight through until the last day of competition.


ESL decided to begin drug testing after pro player Kory “Semphis” Friesen admitted in an interview, seen below, that he and his team consumed amphetamine Adderall at a recent tournament.

The ESL will check contestants at random using saliva tests, making exceptions for certain prescription medications. The policy will prohibit marijuana during tournaments hosted by the ESL, which works with all sorts of big games including StarCraft II and Halo. The nature of the drug policy wasn’t revealed at the time, excepting that it would ban gamers from using drugs that give them a competitive edge in pro gaming competitions.

“Tests will be performed at our discretion at any time during tournament days, and will take place in a designated testing area”, the league said on Reddit.

So what will happen if a player tests positive for a substance that has been banned by the league? “Naturally, player’s privacy comes first”, ESL said. Those who smoke outside of the tournament will not be punished.

Although banned during competition, players will not be disciplined for smoking marijuana recreationally before or after an event; they’re just banned from getting high during the tournament.

Speaking of prescriptions – you’ll need one if you want to take Adderall during a competition. They will also have to provide proof.


On to punishments. Anyone who tests positive is subject to a range of punishments that includes prize money and tournament points being deducted, disqualification and up to a two-year ban from ESL events. ESL has coordinated with the World Anti-Doping Agency in choosing the forbidden drugs, which include obvious candidates like cocaine and steroids – things athletes in most every sport are barred from taking. Will eSports’ first drug test initiative pay off?

ESL Aims To Tackle Performance Enhancing Drugs With Testing Policy