
Sportscaster’s father says Erin Andrews a ‘shell’ of herself

He said Andrews remains afraid of people to this day.


The video was secretly taken in 2009 through a peephole by Barrett inside the hotel which revealed Andrews naked in her room.

The Andrews family was informed of Barrett’s October 2009 arrest the night before Erin was to return to the air for ESPN for the first time since the video went viral.

In the hearing, it is going to be determined whether the West End Hotel Partners was “negligent with regard to keeping Andrews reasonably safe” or not, said a report from ET!

Ryan smith on her father’s tearful testimony today.

As awful as what happened was, Dedman said, evidence will show that Andrews has thrived in her career and cast doubt on whether she suffered post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of the filming.

“She is afraid. My daughter has been scared for eight years”. The Marriott hotel gave him the room next to hers at his request.

On Tuesday, the opening day of testimony in the civil lawsuit, Andrews’ attorney told the jury that his client felt horror, shame and humiliation when she discovered that someone had secretly filmed her nude and posted the video on the Internet. According to the suit, Andrews learned of the videos that month.

In court Tuesday, Andrews’ attorney Randall Kinnard told jurors Barrett called the hotel on September 4, 2008 and specifically requested to reserve a room next to the one reserved for Andrews. He also admitted to attempting to make secret recordings of her in Milwaukee and was sentenced to serve 2-1/2 years in prison.

During a cross examination by the hotel’s lawyer, Rivera-Keen claimed the local hotel never actually received Barrett’s request.

Marc Dedman, the attorney for the hotel, called Barrett a serial stalker and placed the blame squarely on him. The FBI had asked her to view the clips to help agents find clues about who shot them.

Kinnard, pointing to the damage the video continues to cause Andrews, said: “This is not like a broken arm that heals”, The Tennessean newspaper reported.


Years later, his once-outgoing daughter, who now works for Fox Sports, is now a shell of her former self, terrified by even a tap on the shoulder, the dad said.

Erin Andrews Lawsuit