
Standing Rock chairman asks United Nations commission to oppose Dakota Access Pipeline

A group called Protect Sacred Ground and Water peacefully protested against the Dakota Access pipeline in downtown Evansville Sunday evening.


Portland Mayor Charlie Hales and the Portland City Council also passed a resolution September 7 in support of the Standing Rock Sioux.

FARGO, N.D. (AP) — A federal appeals court has ordered a halt to construction of another section of the Dakota Access oil pipeline in North Dakota.

The announcement came the same day as a planned “day of action” in cities around the USA and in other countries, including the Toronto demonstration.

According to a recent CNN report, the project developer, Dakota Access, says the pipeline would help the USA become less dependent on importing energy from unstable regions of the world.

Chairman Dave Archambault II of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe addressed members of the United Nations Human Rights Commission in Geneva, Switzerland, today.

Archambault said he hopes the United Nations will use its influence to protect the rights of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.

Dakota Access said in a court filing that all construction starting 20 miles east of Lake Oahe is completed, and to the west, all but the two miles closest to the lake have been cleared and graded.

This isn’t the first time Young, a persistent activist, has stuck his nose into a protest over a controversial pipeline.

Thousands of people from around the country have gathered at the encampment north of the reservation. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) last week to hold a hearing on Native American opposition to the pipeline, but said on Monday that they were rejected by the staunch pipeline supporter.

The tribe contends that the Corps permitted the pipeline in violation of federal law, including the National Historic Preservation Act, and that the pipeline threatens the tribe’s drinking water supply.

Archambault said a child was bitten and injured by a guard dog.

“The oil companies and the government of the United States have failed to respect our sovereign rights”, Archambault said.


Archambault asked the council and its 47 member states to “call upon all parties” to stop the pipeline construction “and to protect the environment, our nation’s future, our culture and our way of life”.

At least 12 arrested during Dakota Access Pipeline protest