
Star Trek Beyond movie review: The eternal trek

With J.J. Abrams off dealing with those little “Star Wars” movies, Paramount Pictures needed somebody new to come guide their beloved “Star Trek” franchise.


Star Trek Beyond is the third installment in the reboot franchise, but the 13th in the long, long history of Star Trek properties.

Three years into a five-year space mission to explore the uncharted parts of deep space, the USS Enterprise encounters a vast, unstoppable, unknown alien enemy, which tears the spacecraft apart, causing the crew to abandon ship and ultimately leaving them marooned on a nearby planet. Star Trek Beyond’s action sequences are your usual CGI extravaganza.

The script (co-written by Simon Pegg) gives each character their moment to shine, while also underlining the central message (strength in unity, the cornerstone of the Federation) with a series of engagingly written scenes that emphasise the crew working together as a team. The director, best known for his “Fast & Furious” films, knows there is nothing like a wild alien attack to snap James T. out of his funk.

Star Trek Beyond opens with a sense of ennui.

We don’t know much about STAR TREK 4 yet obviously, other than Chris Hemsworth will be back to reprise the role of George Kirk, the man who sacrificed his life so that his crew and family could escape safely from Nero in STAR TREK.

But shortly before the film began, producer JJ Abrams, who directed the first two Star Trek movies, led tributes to Yelchin – after he was killed in a freak auto accident last month. The nods to its TV past run from cheesy to ingenious, even finding a clever way to acknowledge the effect the entire “Star Trek” phenomenon has had on popular culture.

“Star Trek Beyond” hit theaters this week, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the sci-fi franchise.

If you are looking for a movie that’s action packed, has plenty of adventure and looks fantastic, Star Trek Beyond is the movie for you and can not be missed.


Quinto, who plays Spock in the series, also said a few words for the late Leonard Nimoy, who passed away earlier this year.

'Star Trek 4′ will not recast the late Anton Yelchin