
Star Trek Beyond-Trek by numbers is no Trek at all

And here now the film is on the big screens for the fans of Star Trek series. A tribunal of CGI creatures, which look like a cross between Muppets and the Murloc specimens from World of Warcraft, surround James T. Kirk and argue over his latest diplomatic gesture. But this new one manages to hold its own in the galaxy.


So even though “Star Trek Beyond” is unlikely to earn as much money as its predecessors, it will be enough to debut at number one at the box office. They hired Justin Lin, the director most known for the “Fast and the Furious” movies. Kurtzman is co-writer and producer of the blockbuster films “Star Trek” and “Star Trek Into Darkness”.

In the clip below, Spock (Zachary Quinto) and Bones (Karl Urban) find themselves stranded together on a mysterious planet after a rough crash-landing ’cause someone blew up the Enterprise.

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On the other hand, the untimely death of Anton Yelchin, who plays Mr. Chekov, does evince a note of sadness that pulls you out of the story, although there’s not really anything that could have been done about that.

But those phasers that we set to “stun” during that stunning achievement have come back down to earth because “Star Trek Beyond”, by comparison – the third installment in the most recent rebooted series – is very much on the pedestrian side.

Anton was much loved for his role as Russian starship lieutenant Pavel Chekov in the last three Star Trek films, and his loss made a huge impact as his fellow cast and crew members honoured him on the opening night of San Diego Comic-Con yesterday.

Also featured prominently is Idris Elba as Krall, the powerful and ambitiously destructive villain whose grudge against the Federation and its affiliated planets turns out to have a logical but twisted justification.

The backstory, though, never quite gets filled out, and the plot serves as little more than a mechanism to test the efficient camaraderie of the Enterprise crew.

“Anton Yelchin (left) with Chris Pine as Capt. Kirk in Star Trek Beyond”.


Sofia Boutella makes for a welcome addition as the no-nonsense alien warrior Jaylah, who helps the crew against Krall, but Elba, for all his formidable talent, is mostly wasted, with Krall’s eventual motivations revealed as a bit pedestrian. They’re Felix and Oscar in outer space, and still the highlight of this batch of “Star Trek” films.

Deep Roy and Simon Pegg in Star Trek Beyond