
Star Trek: Discovery to have companion comics and novels

On Sunday from 11 a.m., perhaps the most popular spinoff, Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-94) – which gave us Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart), Riker (Jonathan Frakes), Data (Brent Spiner), the Borg and much more – gets the marathon treatment. “My mom, after we watched it, said, ‘That’s the strangest television project I’ve ever seen.’ And I fell in love instantly with Mr. Spock”.


Kirsten Beyer emphasized that the show will do its best to “honor the integrity [of the original Star Trek] without looking silly”, which does sound hard, given that The Original Series was based on a vision of the future according to the 1960s.

There’s absolutely no reason that “Star Trek” can’t keep going for as long as there’s some form of television. “It had more viewers”.

“Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home” and “Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered County” round it all out on Friday, Sept. 16. There also exists an annual Star Trek convention held out in Las Vegas, which occurred last month; however, ReedPOP and CBS decided they wanted to offer fans “something a little different, a little unique” compared with the Vegas conventions. However, even those who praise the Abrams films recognize that the first one was far and away the best of the new series. “That’s the power of fans and the power of fandom”. Whereas if you go with a set of impossible-to-realize expectations, which even you can not specifically define, then we’re bound to fail. Some of the earliest discussions of race relations and racial prejudice were also on Star Trek. And the threat of nuclear retaliation mounted every day.

“The strain on the relationship with my dad was really a factor of the popularity of Spock – the public’s reaction to Spock. We hope they will feel pride in the Star Trek franchise as they use their cards for day-to-day purchases, while also earning points toward unique Star Trek merchandise and experiences”. “It’s very utopian”, Robinson says.

Talking to the radio show Nerd World with Hop and Herc (via Trek Movie), the producer was generous enough to provide interesting bits and pieces of his helmed project, “Star Trek: Discovery”.


J.J. Abrams at Star Trek Premiere. We see that all the time, parents bringing kids to conventions dressed in “Star Trek” costumes.

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