
Star Wars and Potty Training: The Two Poles of Parenthood

My first experience with the Star Wars movies was an abbreviated one.


The months of non-stop Star Wars hype reaches its crescendo this Friday when Star Wars: The Force Awakens finally hits theaters, but sadly not every little Star Wars fan is going to get to see the movie. I’ve been in this organization for about 14 years now and I still love the oohs and aahs when fans see us.

While the rest of us are eagerly waiting to catch “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” at cinemas soon, there are some who won’t be able to due to unforeseen circumstances. That clip features five full hours of Darth Vader’s suit burning up on his funeral pyre after he saves his son Luke Skywalker from destruction on the Death Star. The long-engaged couple were already planning to travel to Los Angeles for the premiere, and when they heard that the Chinese Theatre was considering hosting a Star Wars-themed wedding, they immediately signed on. According to the schedule in our book, by this time next week we’ll basically have a fully potty-trained child.

He said the 501st is always looking for new members.

Originally they had planned to run the special beginning Thursday, to coincide with the release of The Force Awakens, through Saturday.

Potty training has gone just as well, and way better than we imagined. The IMAX was first to go, so that’s where the added 1 a.m. show is, she said.

Even Champaign’s Art Theater looked into showing the older “Star Wars” movies.

During the rush to find the flawless movie-going costume, Stoner said they’ve sold out of several items like the popular high-quality masks and costumes.


“I said to John in LA, I can’t wait – I hope I’m on a bus. Yes, I have many, many feelings about that”.

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