
Star Wars Battlefront Bespin City DLC and new Characters

Lando and Dengar will join the fight, as we already knew (if you’re not familiar with Dengar, he’s basically a Zaeed Massani prototype who never caught on), and the famous, gawky-looking Cloud Car will be added to the vehicle mix.


The Bespin DLC will be available for season pass holders on 21st July but will be available for everyone to buy on 5th July. Your PS4, Xbox or PC truly belongs with this bold Star Wars adventure here among the clouds, where you’ll take the scoundrel Lando Calrissian and the heavily armed bounty hunter Dengar into some hairy situations fending off the Empire after it invades. The X8 Night Sniper is a blaster pistol with middling stats, but what makes it special is that it’s equipped with a long range heat vision scope. Plus, the introduction of Lando Calrissian. There will be additional maps and modes in the DLC as well. Get a taster of what’s to come in the launch trailer below. We saw battles on the grand balconies and pathways of the exterior, as well as the dark interior. Maps pulled from the The Empire Strikes Back movie include the Administrator’s Palace and the Carbon-Freezing Chambers. It was announced that DICE would be working on three more expansion for the game. DICE is also working with Criterion on an exclusive Star Wars Battlefront VR mission for PlayStation VR this year.


Cloud City and its Tibanna gas mines are an unbelievable location for a fantastic Star Wars firefight, and EA and DICE Studios make full use of its myriad towers, sublevels and platforms. Any lapsed Star Wars Battlefront players that might pick the game up again when Bespin arrives?

Watch Star Wars Battlefront's Bespin DLC in action