
Star Wars Battlefront DLC Will Conclude With Rogue One: Scarif

Today is the EA Games panel at Star Wars Celebration Europe, and while there’s a lot of great new Star Wars games that are now being discussed, first up on the list was Star Wars: Battlefront.


Finally, the publisher and developer looked into the future to deliver a a sneak peek at the game’s fourth (and final) expansion, which will be based on Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. “Rogue One: Scarif” is now scheduled for an early 2017 release, which should coincide nicely with the film’s release.

EA also revealed that the upcoming Death Star expansion will drop in September, bringing a bunch of new combat to the game including new vehicles, blasters, and Star Cards.

We’ll continue to have coverage of both the Death Star and Rogue One: Scarif expansions for Star Wars Battlefront over the coming months, so stay tuned!


No other details were announced, other than Battlefront fans can expect to play the content by the time Rogue One hits theaters in December. The two new heroes added with the “Death Star” DLC will be the bounty hunter Bossk and everyone’s favorite Wookiee, Chewbacca (staff member ChewieOnIce should be pleased). There were also a few other comments made about the game, including a few teases about some new playable characters.

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