
Star Wars Battlefront Reveals Upcoming Heroes and Final DLC Setting

For its third season, Star Wars Rebels will be bringing out Grand Admiral Thrawn, a character who was at the center of the “unofficial sequel” trilogy that fans wanted to be adapted once the news of Episodes VII-IX came out.


Star Wars tweeted about the reveal by quoting Filoni, “Let’s just expand the universe, shall we?”

Thrawn’s appearance in this season of Rebels will be the character’s first time on screen, but it won’t serve as his only new canon adventure, as Making Star Wars points out. This new content is going to be released in September so players will have plenty to keep busy with as they wait for December to get their hands on the Rogue One: Scarif DLC for Star Wars: Battlefront.

Before the panel ended, the crowd was treated to two new and exclusive teaser trailers and a sizzle reel including a behind-the-scenes look at production. The DLC serves as a tie-in to the upcoming Rogue One film.

Galen is the father of Jyn Erso (played by Felicity Jones). EA had excluded the 4th pack saying it was to be announced. But from what we have seen, I am sure Edwards knows what he is playing around with and the team at LucasFilm have done this a few times before.

Diego Luna as Captain Cassian Andor.

Saw Gerrera – Forest Whitaker – He’s been fightingfor years against the Empire, controlling a group of rebels that fight to the extreme.

To top it all off we have the bad guys led by Ben Mendelsohn as Director Krennic. We CAN’T wait to see more from this film!


Annoyed that EA has not added in instant action like the original Star Wars Battlefront games?

Behind the scenes with the cast and crew of Rogue One A Star Wars Story