
Star Wars Battlefront To Get More Free Content In Coming Months

“The first of Battlefront’s post-launch DLC is a free Force Awakens-inspired expansion called The Battle of Jakku, which starts to roll out on December 1 for people who preordered”. The new mode that will come with the new content is dubbed as Turning Point, IGN reported.


The new area of Jakku (as seen in a recent teaser trailer) will have three separate Imperial bases in Turning Point, and – as Rebels capture them individually – more time will be added to a countdown clock.

The mode is played on a time limit, and the more control points that are captured the more time you get to make your way to the Empire’s base.

The ultimate goal is to unlock a final assault on the Empire base. Brännvall is the Lead Level Designer for Star Wars Battlefront. Expect to see airspeeders and AT-STs featured in the mode, which will task the Rebel Alliance with securing a trio of control points scattered across the sun-scorched plains.

These battles depicted in the DLC take place shortly after the Battle Of Endor 29 years before the events of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. While Star Wars Battlefront is a generally solid online shooter, it’s apparently been beset by a glitch that grants certain players invincibility once they die and respawn. But there’s one more twist separating Turning Point from, say, Supremacy: Capture percentages do not reset once you drive the Rebels away. If you’re in an airspeeder on the other hand, you’ll be on the offence, giving supportive fire to your Rebel team mates. The Rebels in turn need to decide where their next attack should be.

“We are planning to support Star Wars Battlefront with new content well into the future”, states Patrick Söderlund, executive VP at EA.


It’s no secret that downloadable content has become a huge part of every video game release these days, especially with the addition of season passes for most popular titles.

40-man Battlefront mode announced 
  GamingNewsPS4Xbox One  by Martin Shore 1 min ago0