
Star Wars director faces hype, history in Force Awakens

“Have you felt it?”


But they didn’t let much slip.

Feted Hollywood director JJ Abrams has shot down rumours that he edited out several of Lupita Nyongo’s scenes from Star Wars: The Force Awakens because her performance was lacking.

Can “The Force Awakens”, the seventh episode in the celebrated sci-fi series, meet those expectations when it debuts on December 18?

I remember when Return of the Jedi came out.

We watched it over and over again that summer, on one of those newfangled video recorders.

In today’s movie market, the worldwide box office tends to account for the majority of domestic blockbusters’ overall gross, a reality that has already had an effect on marketing materials, and may be encouraging less principled executives to rethink casting black actors in major roles.

Thus are memories forged, the sort of memories that remain impregnable to the passage of time and impervious to the cynicism of adulthood.

“Now I’m faced with this awkward reality, which is fine…”

When it comes to creating memories, cinema is particularly potent.

“To me, Star Wars Launch Bay is all about finding your inner fan, finding that little corner of the Star Wars galaxy that you love”, said Brent Strong, creative director of Walt Disney World’s Imagineering team. Lucas always had plans for Star Wars 7-9, but all of those ideas were tossed in the trash once his company traded hands. Few details have been revealed about the plot of the Force Awakens expansion, for obvious reasons, but we do know what figures will be available as part of the set, all of which made a proper public appearance at this year’s PlayStation Experience. Decker, who has seen the six movies more than 100 times, will also be looking for any radical changes to the concept of The Force as the ultimate arbiter of who is good and who is bad. You just may see me doing some holiday things, so be sure to follow #LightFight on twitter. I ended up avoiding all my friends for lunch period for three straight days because all they wanted to do was talk about the movie and I didn’t want it spoiled for me. And memories need to be shared.

Those cross-blades pleased me too. My Dad took me to see the first one, and it left a massive impression on me. We have built a new memory.

THE GREAT CHRISTMAS LIGHT FIGHT: Monday night, December 7, we’ll be live tweeting the season premiere of THE GREAT CHRISTMAS LIGHT fight with host Carter Oosterhouse and his wife, actress Amy Smart!


Seems like this sort of thing is becoming a trend, and a disturbing one at that.

Star Wars attractions opening at Disney World