
Star Wars director faces hype, history in ‘Force Awakens’

It’s certainly a welcome sight that should instill even more confidence in J.J. Abrams following the much detested prequel films.


The release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens is getting closer and closer, so stay tuned to HeyUGuys over the next few weeks for more on this and all the previous Star Wars movies!

In that regard, TIME Magazine recently unveiled its behind the scenes photoshoot of the Stars of The Force Awakens, with photographer Marco Grob, and the photo of Mark Hamill is…for lack of a better word, shocking. The video presents the entire Star Wars films as the upcoming Star Wars movie is coming sooner, “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”. None of the roles of the main characters have been fully divulged, rising endless theories from devoted fans, some of which may seem more plausible than others.

Ford gave weight to the theory when he gave the following answer. Presumably it’s Kylo Ren, who’s seen flexing his evil lightsaber. Rey hasn’t been seen with a lightsaber, only a long weapon. Instead, she will play a major part in the films, which is a relief to fans, who are already drawing comparisons to Phasma and fan-favorite, bounty hunter Boba Fett. Post-credits scenes are definitely fun for fans, and a good incentive to get people to stick around and watch the credits – but I cant say that Im too upset that Star Wars: The Force Awakens wont have one. I’m excited. For me, my focus is seeing the film.

Kennedy went on to confirm that Lucas will indeed attend Force Awakens premieres in Los Angeles and London.


Meanwhile, Star Wars: Episode VIII director Rian Johnson and Star Wars: Rogue One’s Gareth Edwards have seen a rough version of the film. Christie said that she was glad that her character wouldn’t meet her fate yet, unlike fellow character Boba Fett, whom Christie’s character has been compared to.
