
Star Wars: Episode 8’s filming ends in July 22

So, we’re one step closer to Star Wars: Episode VIII being a reality, but with the release of Rogue One less than six months away, Disney will be focusing on the spinoff for the foreseeable future. The bottom line is that we won’t know what’s going to happen in Episode 8 until the film comes out. Meanwhile, Daisey Ridley shared a new Instagram photograph from the filming set.


That’s right – we’re less than three weeks away from the end of principal photography for the next Star Wars episode.

In the scene Luke tells Rey that the Jedi Council became “arrogant” and that they were hiding a “secret”, which led to their demise. Who knows, but we’re certainly glad Mark Hamill isn’t afraid to dabble in the dark side and spill a few secrets.

The single player campaign may take a story-based mission as Forbes states that the new game will take in content from the new films in the franchise, notably “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” and “Star Wars: Rogue One”. The girl noticed that the tree also made her brother increasingly angry.

Some fans speculate that there could be multiple Chosen Ones. However, though “Star Wars: Episode 8” has just begun winding down, rumors about the film continue to intensify, especially rumors on Rey’s parentage. Later on Luke reveals Rey’s parents, which aren’t Luke and reveals to her that she was strong with the force. The idea is to bring the unique celebration to as many Star Wars fans as possible. The actress explained her logic for sharing the picture by stating that if director Rian Johnson is allowed to do it, she should be able to share pictures too.


“It wraps on Friday July 22nd 2016 #LooseLipsSinkStarships #W8ForVIII #DontBeAHomer #PatienceMyPadawans #Rogue1Sooner”, Marke Hamill wrote, revealing the status of “Star Wars” Episode 8.

Episode 8 Bits: A New Rumor About Rey's Past, the Future of Luke Skywalker, and the End of Filming