
Star Wars Episode VII

Take a moment to watch the trailer below before reading the spoilers below.


This Thanksgiving, let’s all be thankful that Star Wars: The Force Awakens is less than a month away from public consumption and that as the date draws near, more trailers are slowly coming out of the woodwork. Rey fires at Kylo Ren, who hacks at the lasers rather than elegantly deflecting them as Jedis of old did.

Kylo Ren, who is played by “Girls” star Adam Driver, receives a little more exposure in the teaser released on the “Star Wars” Facebook page Thursday. The trailer seemed to depict the appearance of the mysterious villain Supreme Leader Smoke, which is voiced by Andy Serkis.

When you look at Star Wars and Empire, they are very different lightsaber battles, but for me they felt more powerful because they were not quite as slick [as the prequels]. That said, The Force Awakens’ PG-13 is evidence the Disney Star Wars movies won’t be afraid to go dark or violent if they have to, which is a promising sign. “Even you have never faced such a test”, Snoke tells Ren in voiceover that accompanies new footage of the villain acting malevolently.

Disney/Lucasfilm Stormtroopers blast a flamethrower in the new “Star Wars” trailer.

Resistance pilot Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) can be seen in-flight, leading his crew into battle with a cry of, “All teams, give it everything you’ve got!” This is also the start of a trilogy.

Any “Star Wars” fan can relate to the happy feeling you get when you see this handsome gold title sequence.


Abrams’ “Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens” is slated to premiere in theaters on December 18 while Gareth Edwards’s “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” premieres on December 16, 2016.

Kylo Ren is introduced in the new trailer of Star Wars The Force Awakens