
“Star Wars” fan dies days after early screening of “The Force Awakens”

In an interview with Collider, X-Men producer Simon Kinberg confirmed the news, stating: “Our first trailer will be on Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Rest in peace my love”, she wrote. And of all the cruel realities that a death sentence brings with it, including saying goodbye to friends, family and a lovely wife, now he would be robbed of something that meant just as much.


The opening weekend of Star Wars: The Force Awakens is going to be massive.

He had an aggressive form of cancer and doctors gave him just months to live.

Daniel Fleetwood, 32, was diagnosed with a terminal case of spindle cell carcinoma, a connective tissue cancer, and told in July he only had two months to live.

The internet rallied around Daniel and the video somehow reached Star Wars actors Mark Hamill, John Boyega and Carrie Fisher who wanted to do something special for the 32-year-old.

Disney said last Thursday that the screening for Fleetwood had taken place and that “all involved were happy to be able to make it happen”.

#ForceForDaniel glad you got to see the movie more importantly that you slept in peace. According to reports on Tuesday, Fleetwood died at the age of 32. In the span of a few weeks, Star Wars fans online did what they could to make sure that Disney executives and the film’s director, JJ Abrams, knew his story.

“That was really the only requirement Larry and I imposed on each other: The movie needed to be delightful”, Abrams told Wired, referring to Lawrence Kasdan, the film’s co-writer.


Of course, the most important question Star Wars fans continue to ask concerns the whereabouts of Luke Skywalker (particularly as the character is still absent from the film’s current promotions). “Grieve, I will not”, one supporter wrote on Reddit. “May the force be with you all”, she added.

Star Wars’ Fan Daniel Redwood Now With The Force Succumbs To Cancer Disney Fulfills His Dream Before Passing Away