
Star Wars fans dress up, line up and wait for premiere

Fargo, N.D. (Valley News source Live) Ensuring people felt protected and cozy throughout the premiere showing of Show star Wars The Force Awakens was a top priority for theaters across the country & within the Valley.


Carmike has invited people to start showing up, and even camping out, starting at 6 a.m. today, and moviegoers are encouraged to wear costumes of various “Star Wars” characters.

The first showing is at 7 p.m. Tickets for some shows have been sold out for a while.

Abrams really had no intention of ever making a Star Wars movie, and wanted to concentrate instead on smaller, avant-garde projects about cowboys eating pudding.

Most of the fans our cameras caught up with bought their tickets the second they went on sale.

Casey Urie, another long time Star Wars fan, said the precautions did stop some people from dressing up.

For many more, they’re simply excited about embarking on a new adventure.

“It’s hard to pick just one thing out as to why I like Star Wars so much”. “You pay me and I’ll hand you the ticket and here we are”, Ryan Stuthers said.

And some fans love the franchise so much, they made it a permanent part of their life.


The Force Awakens is the seventh chapter in this timeless saga that pits good against evil, rebels against the Empire, the light side against the dark side – and the fans were ready. “I got so committed I actually tattooed my favorite Jedi lightsaber on my back”, he said.

Star Wars premiere a family affair for fan with ALS