
Star Wars fans set for world premiere in Los Angeles

14 December 2015 Kiwi passengers travelling on Emirates will be able to enjoy the first six Star Wars movies in one epic journey from January.


The ordeal was planned by, a motley of Star Wars fanatics who staged previously successful lines for the franchise’s prequels at the same venue.

Inside the partially built structure, curious tourists snapped photos of lighting equipment while security personnel drove around in carts with “The Force Awakens” logo on them. “The pressure is undeniable and absolutely enormous”, Abrams said. Lightsabers are quite possibly the coolest thing about Star Wars.

“The way the media is now, for these kind of films, it’s bigger now”, he said.

David fell out with director Lucas after he was accused of leaking the crucial plot twist that Darth Vader was Luke Skywalker’s father before the release of 1980 sequel ‘The Empire Strikes Back’.

“I think people are shying away from traditional religion because it doesn’t reflect their views”.

There have been persistent rumours that Han Solo will die in the new film – if that is true, his death scene should be nothing short of unmatchable cinematic genius – and a new Oscar should be created for Best Death of a Much-Loved Character from Four Decades of Popular Culture.

All the writing has been under the watchful eye of Kathleen Kennedy, president of Lucasfilm and an executive producer on “The Force Awakens”. You could try to watch the “Clone Wars” movie and the TV versions, read all the companion novels, memorize Mark Clark’s “Star Wars FAQ” and maybe even find the “Star Wars” Christmas special.

“The fans have really been the ones focused around making sure that everybody and anybody who walks into this movie gets to be surprised”.

It wasn’t like hadn’t predicted it though, as he wrote on “I’d been getting a little anxious with the swiftly approaching release of The Force Awakens”.

In Kane, Pennsylvania, the Kane Family Drive-in Theater is reopening in the dead of a Northeast winter to show “The Force Awakens”. She says production will begin in January on a film being directed by Rian Johnson. But obviously, everybody’s talking to one another, working together. “As if by magic, a spotlight hit the actor, who promised the audience that there was plenty more where that came from, and asked us to keep our lips sealed”. “J.J. and Rian have already talked at length”.


The world premiere of The Force Awakens is due to take place in Los Angeles tonight, in three different cinemas, reportedly the Chinese, Dolby and El Capitan theatres , all of which are a short walk from each other in Hollywood.

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