
Star Wars original Mark Hamill dons disguise to prank Hollywood tourists

As we all know the secrecy around Star Wars has been air tight and it has the fans going insane as we anxiously wait until December 18th to find out what’s going on, but now we have some really big news for Episode VIII has been released where we learn that (possible spoilers) a character from The Force Awaken will carry through the sequel.


Maybe it’s because everyone’s making room for Spectre, but November was a frustratingly slow month for new releases in Malaysian cinemas.

“The last time anybody saw me in a stormtrooper outfit was when we rescued the princess off the Death Star.” says Hamill, “I couldn’t be more proud of everyone in the Star Wars family”.

Tickets start at $15 each, but to take home the commemorative Orlando Magic Star Wars Night 8 x 10 autographed photo it’ll set you back with tickets starting at $55.00 each. “I’m on the “if it tastes good, don’t eat it” diet”.

Carrie, who was 20 years old in the original film, criticized Hollywood for its never-ending obsession with beauty.

Even the character design looks simpler, which is surely an intentional artistic choice as the background detail and scenery is as stunning as any other Pixar flick.

Another year, another Oscar bait film from Ron Howard, and this one’s another reliably entertaining and watchable one from the much decorated director of Apollo 13, A Beautiful Mind and Rush. Everyone in LA says, “Oh you look good”, and you listen for them to say you’ve lost weight. “Your support has been absolutely fantastic, and I for one can’t wait for the premiere”.

As a result, many fans have accused Disney’s Chinese marketing office of dismissing an actor of color.

He told the Washington Post earlier this week that he hadn’t seen the film and was better off having not been involved.


Although they were altogether more musical, you’d imagine. “It’s a wonderful movie, it’s got great production values”.

A still from Star Wars The Force Awakens