
Star Wars: The Force Awakens cast get revealing Empire covers

J.J. Abrams Reveals the First Word Spoken in Star Wars: The Force Awakens J.J. reveals the first word spoken in Star Wars: The Force Awakens and plays a clip from the film featuring Rey and Finn.


The Force Awakens has been granted a PG-13 audience rating in the USA, as cited on, describing Episode VII to involve “sci-fi action violence”.

In the 30 years since the events of Return of the Jedi, we’ll learn, Leia has become something of a military strategist, and is now reffered to as General Leia. “That is fantastic, I knew it…What is Star Wars?'” he revealed.

J.J. Abrams on Directing Star Wars J.J. recalls what he went through before finally agreeing to direct Star Wars: The Force Awakens. According to the article, director J.J. Abrams is done putting his finishing touches on the latest Star Wars film. “There was literally one scene where Alice Eve, who acts in the movie, was so obliterated by a lens flare and I was showing the scene to my wife Katie, who just said, ‘Okay, you know what?” He says the company is filled with dedicated “Star Wars” fans. They hit stores on November 26, 2015, and they’re practically daring you to collect them all.

Thy hype is so huge that Jimmy Kimmel described it as “the most anticipated sequel I think since the New Testament”. Users will also be able to choose which icons and themes their Google services are decked in-the light side of the Force and Republic colors, or the dark side of the Force and Imperial colors.

The film is the seventh in the Star Wars series and reportedly the first in a trilogy; all six previous movies were broken up into two other trilogies.


You can find out more details about the new Star Wars VR experience for Google Cardboard over at the official Star Wars website at the link below.

John Boyega