
Star Wars: The Force Awakens embroiled in race row after John Boyega’s

But it appears that “Star Wars: The Force Awaken” won’t be following the cinema’s latest trend.


Perhaps, instead of Kenobi, the line may be replaced with, “It has seen the end of Luke Skywalker”, especially taking into account the many rumors of Skywalker dying in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

“We’re going back to these stories that people feel intensely about”, said the actor/former moisture-farmer, who never did make it to Tosche Station to pick up those power converters.

Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens arrives in theaters on December 18!

Following the introduction of these attractions, Disney said that new Star Wars-themed lands would be launched at theme parks in future, with work expected to commence at the two United States parks in 2016.

It’s not more new footage from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, but this new behind-the-scenes featurette is filled with awe-inspiring video clips from the set of the upcoming film, featuring a lot of awe-inspired actors. Crew are marketing Star Wars bed sheets and pillow cases.

Knowing Harrison Ford, who knows a bad thing when he sees one, saying good things about “Star Wars” is a positive sign.

“She’s an important character, a baddie in the best sense of the word.”

“That’s because Harrison insisted on it”, she joked, referring to Harrison Ford, who returns to play Han Solo in “Force Awakens”.

Despite the passage of time, the saga’s original cast say they did not hesitate when asked to reprise their iconic characters for a new “sequel” trilogy.


Backen, who has seen the movies countless times, said that although the characters are not actively wrestling with philosophical concepts, the movies help explain a lot of human experience through their stories. The movie is slated to be released on December 17 in Australia.

New 'Star Wars&#039 Featurette Debuts at Comic Con Brazil