
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Featurette Shows The Evolution of The Lightsaber

When I am not losing sleep over researching Luke Skywalker theories, or spending money I do not have on my premiere costume, my days are occupied playing the newly released “Star Wars” Battlefront video game.


When J.J. Abrams was said to be a “true” fan of the series, the commenter may have meant that he was also a vocal critic of the decision to include a insane Gungan as well as the furry Ewoks. “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” won’t have any of the characters which fans have unanimously voted as “annoying” and “deserves to die”, like the hated Jar-Jar Binks.

Lupita Nyong’o also went with R2, while Daisy Ridley and John Boyega went with the newest droid character, BB-8. The company reached out to us and provided details into how more Americans are turning towards Star Wars for clues about future.

John said: ‘They’re my co-stars and we were in a working environment. By now you know, Harrison Ford is back.

When he demanded to know who it was and the caller said, ‘um, Robert Downey Jr, ‘ he admitted ‘I’m like, “oh crap!”

Taking care of your mental health is something that he talks to me about.

The survey conducted by SOASTA indicates that about 53% American families hold the belief that new TV shows and movies will introduce technology that they are bound to see some time in real life.

“I love Star Wars!” a phrase I continue to hear around campus at an alarming rate.


He takes it all with a grain of salt, noting the massive ticket pre-sales and the fact that he’s still in the movie. Proceeds – however they make them – go to Starlight Children’s Foundation. A feeling that arises regardless if people have seen the “one with the red spiky guy” or can extensively list every Ewok from the 1984 made-for-TV film Caravan of Courage.

Conan O’Brien Settles Who Shot First In “Star Wars”