
Star Wars: The Force Awakens-George Lucas says fans will love it

Harrison Ford discusses Han Solo in J.J. Abrams’ “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”.


There were interviews done with the cast and the crew, but there have not been any pre-screenings held. And if it’s a disaster, no one would want me to direct the next one anyway.

HARRISON Ford insists he wouldn’t have crashed his plane in March if it were the Millennium Falcon.

Jar Jar Binks, the goofy amphibious character who irritated many Star Wars fans in the 1999 film The Phantom Menace, will not appear in the new movie according to producer Kathleen Kennedy. He didn’t exactly say that he liked it, did he? It’s what’s fun for me. “My nature, which is to keep things quiet, was something that I was certain we were going to have fights about”, Abrams said.

“He’s so patient, which is really important for me because I spent a lot of time going, I can’t do this”. It’s gratifying to be asked to be part of this. We were aware, we were respectful of the canon, but we really wanted to tell a story that interested us and delighted us.

As you know, it is common for fans to go on forums and threads and post spoilers for a film. This not a crap shoot.

AP: Was there anything you were surprised the powers that be let you do?

During the recent Star Wars: The Force Awakens global press day – which itself was smothered in secrecy – Abrams and Kennedy spoke about upholding a level of respect for the core fanbase, and that any preemptive leak would only spoil the experience.

What is known is that “Force Awakens” is set 30 years after “Return of the Jedi”.

There goes that Rogue One tease you may have been hoping for.

“I think the fans are going to love it. It’s very much the kind of movie they’ve been looking for”. “But I know that people will start talking about what happens immediately”.

ABRAMS: You can not compare a traditionally projected image with a laser image.

Because Lucas will be attending both the Los Angeles and London premieres of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, we should expect most of his comments to stay positive, at least on the surface level. We learn new things about the characters. And why Jar Jar didn’t make it back for this sequel.


Some of you might find this a tad ridiculous, and rightfully so.

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