
Star Wars: The Force Awakens has record-breaking Monday

A Star Wars fanatic has been arrested on suspicion of threatening to shoot a student for divulging a plot line from the newly released The Force Awakens film.


Ukraine government bans Fred Durst from entering country for five years
Durst is also apparently a supporter of Russian president Vladimir Putin and has spoken of his desire to obtain a Russian passport.

With its global bow now at a record $529 million, Star Wars’ box office success will undoubtedly afford its cast members heftier pay cuts on their next projects. “And I can’t deny that this is also a good thing for the Critics’ Choice Awards show”. “I’ve spent the last few years with everyone asking me how I am dealing with the pressure”.

At least 13 migrants dead as boat sinks off Greek island
Meanwhile, many migrants and refugees are pressing to be allowed to settle in richer northern countries like Germany and Sweden. About half of the people entering Europe were Syrians, while 20 percent were Afghans and 7 percent Iraqis, the organization said.

A man has been arrested for threatening to shoot a boy who revealed Star Wars spoilers to him online, according to authorities.

Iraqi forces launch offensive to free IS-held Ramadi
The offensive has been ongoing since Ramadi initially fell to the Islamic State, but since early December has gathered momentum. Their presence would be too incendiary in the Sunni heartland of Ramadi and the surrounding province of Anbar, he adds.

Films with that kind of drawing prowess are rare, but Davis saw the record-breaking opening of “Star Wars” as evidence that the shared experience of viewing a movie on the big screen remains important, despite the trend toward streaming entertainment on smaller screens.

“In a year full of sequels, reboots and returns, none have recaptured the zeitgeist like ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens, ‘” wrote Nick Dutro of The Advertiser-Tribune in Tiffin, Ohio. Finn begins as a stormtrooper, who are no longer clone soldiers but are seemingly recruited from birth to become the ultimate fighting machines.

But analysts note that the huge popularity of “Star Wars”, as well as intense competition from new films, makes it harder to produce an accurate forecast.

I wasn’t around when the first set trilogy of movies was released. I was scared the new movies could be worse than prequels, but at the same time I was hopeful. This has received the most criticism from detractors but it was something I loved.

That was a scene actually filmed, but we took out.

In a recent interview with The Associated Press, Abrams detailed his decisions (along with editors Mary Jo Markey and Maryann Brandon) on what footage landed in “The Force Awakens” and what was sent down the garbage chute. “All my friends that know me know that’s what I’m into”.

I cried. I laughed, and I left the movie a changed person.

Ford was part of the premiere and present when this comment was made, which might have been to the benefit of the crowd but also seems to make sense given where the story arc seems to be headed.


If the film hits those numbers, it would be the biggest second weekend of any movie in history, and by a large margin. So I was a skeptic as “The Force Awakens” teases rolled out. It’s been inextricably linked to “Star Wars” since 1977, when Kenner sold empty boxes at the holidays because it couldn’t keep up with demand for action figures. You won’t regret it, and you could leave a different person.

Star Wars The Force Awakens