
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Makes Record $40.1 Million on Monday

Modi received an overwhelming response from the American leaders and his Star War moment came when he appeared with X-Men star Hugh Jackman at the Global Citizen Concert in Central Park.


UK Astronaut Tim Peake To help Two Astronauts space walk Outside ISS
Major Peake received a massive amount of support on social media, including a message from the Queen. Tim Peake’s thanked the thousands of people around the world who have sent him good luck messages.

Abrams and screenwriters Michael Arndt (who worked on an earlier draft of the script) and Lawrence Kasdan participated in a Q&A following a screening of The Force Awakens for the Writer’s Guild of America (via EW).

Zimbabwe says China to cancel M debt
Chinese President Xi Jinping is greeted by Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe as he arrives on December 1, 2015, in Harare . Zimbabwe had stopped using its own domestic currency in 2009 after the economy of Zimbabwe was hit by hyperinflation.

Last year, it was announced that renowned sci-fi movie director Rian Johnson will direct episode 8. Luke’s location is also a main concern for his sister and Resistance General Leia Organa (Fisher).

1 million refugees enter Europe this year
The IOM says the migrants are still arriving, with 30,411 passing through Greece in the week between 9 and 16 December. Nearly all those arriving came across the Mediterranean or the Aegean Seas, and half were Syrians fleeing the war.

I am trying to keep this as spoiler-free as possible, as not everyone has the time to go see it right away, but I make no promises. To no one’s surprise, Harrison Ford’s still got it as Han Solo, Chewbacca has never stolen so many scenes before and Oscar Isaac can clearly carry this movie (strangely, he’s shoved into the background).

Moreover, “Star Wars” will follow the same format in which the movies are released in groups of threes. “Ok everybody, I got to get Star Wars”, he said concluding the conference.

With the Galactic Empire destroyed 30 odd years ago, the galaxy now faces a new threat: a new faction known as The First Order.

Over the weekend Star Wars: The Force Awakens broke a couple of records, and you might have already heard, including Jurassic World’s all-time biggest domestic opening weekend record. There’s also the fact that Star Wars has a way of having people be badly injured and fall down massive shaft, yet live. But despite that, I love it. Salaries don’t include back-end bonuses from the box office that doesn’t begin until the film crosses $1 billion worldwide.

But I have an 8-year-old boy who’s on winter break from school. Darth Vader, the fictional character has become an iconic villain while phrases like “evil empire”, “May The Force be with you”, “Do”. They were just doing this thing in a way that, frankly, was disturbing.

Industry analysts project that “The Force Awakens” will bring in between $150 million and $180 million at the box office during the upcoming holiday weekend.


I can understand why the filmmakers felt the need to simply retread familiar SW tropes – after all, they wanted to win back the masses and gain new followers. Nowadays the “strong female character” has herself been oversimplified as a girl who is physically and/or emotionally strong, with nothing else going for her. Rey was different, relying on her wits for most of the film, as well as being able to fight with the best of them.

Watch: Star Wars Fans Go Nuts When Force Awakens Projector Malfunctions