
Starbucks barista helps hearing impaired customer

The coffee cup sparked outrage, and support, from internet commentators, as many had found the message to be “creepy” and in poor taste.


The young woman who received the message, 19-year-old Laura Roberts, took a photo of the cup and sent it to her mum, Alex Blaine. Looks like son in-law material’.

Blaine’s post received dozens of comments but now appears to have been removed from the Facebook page.

One Facebook user reportedly commented: “I’m sure he’s fallen foul of a few harassment laws”.

Phil Goddard posted: “It would make my day”.

It seems that Laura didn’t mind the chat up attempt because she told The Mail that “He’s a nice boy and he wouldn’t have been trying to offend anyone”.

“I think more people need to know about what we’re doing because it moves customer service to a whole new level”, Wyble said.

And it seems to be an worldwide flirting tactic as employees as far away as Philippines are using it to convey their feelings.

She told FEMAIL: ‘I felt slightly flattered with the message because I just got dumped recently, so the I got a tad bit happy with the message on my cup.

Video of a Starbucks barista helping a deaf customer in the drive-thru is going viral on Facebook.


Mashable has reached out to Starbucks to see how many of their drive-thru kiosks have this feature as well as King for additional comments.

Creepy or cute? Starbucks barista tells girl she is 'extremely hot' in cheeky