
State Budget Proposal Unveiled by Governor Snyder

Many have called for pipe replacements since the current system became contaminated with lead when the water supply switched from Lake Huron to the Flint River to save money.


On August 4, Shekter-Smith infamously bragged to Flint residents LeeAnne Walters and Melissa Mays in a meeting, that “Mr. Del Toral has been handled”, referring to the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 5 water expert who sought to bring the unsafe lead levels to the attention of higher-ups in the EPA.

Chaffetz said in a statement that he appreciates Snyder’s willingness to appear before the committee and looks forward to McCarthy’s testimony.

Lawmakers hope to pass a final state budget by June. State Representative Al Pscholka is the Republican chair of the House Appropriations Committee says that’s not going to be a problem.

“The poisoning of Flint’s water-and the delayed response to that poisoning-is a classic example of the disproportionate burden of environmental harm being borne by low-income persons and communities of color”, said Cornell William Brooks, President and CEO.

Chelsea Clinton stops at U.A. Local 370 in Mt. Morris Township Chelsea Clinton stopped at U.A. Local 370 in Mt. Morris Township on Thursday, Feb. 11, 2016 to learn of volunteer efforts taking place to help those affected by the Flint water crisis.

On Oct. 8, Governor Snyder said at a Flint news conference, “We found some concerns in some of our testing of the schools in Flint”. The challenge now, he said, “is to make sure that the state delivers”. Presenting the 2017 budget to Michigan’s Republican-controlled Legislature on Wednesday kept Snyder from accepting an invitation to testify before Congress about the Flint crisis.

On Tuesday, Weaver called for m to replace an estimated 15,000 lead service lines running to homes in the city.

Waters said at an informal hearing led by Democratic lawmakers that she was exhausted of people being “nice” in seeking help for Flint. He said Snyder should be doing more to help the city.

Gov. Rick Snyder toured the facility today, and sorted cans and boxes of food alongside students from Detroit’s Renaissance High School, who were there for a day of service. “The decision to delay the release of critical lead test information is a decision that children and families in Flint will have to live with for the rest of their lives”. “And it would be safer, if your only other choice is feeding them straight Flint water”.

Governor Synder’s total budget for MI was $54.9 billion and the mainstay of the funds will be allocated to finance failing schools in Detroit over the next 10 years. Snyder said the city must have a decent school district to continue its recovery after emerging from the largest public bankruptcy in US history.

Pscholka says figuring out a new governing structure for the Detroit schools, which has been under the control of a state-appointed emergency manager for the past six years, is a bigger issue than how to pay for the schools.


“There are times when the people that I’ve been standing with and fighting with say ‘Oh, she’s working with Snyder now, maybe we can’t trust her anymore, ‘” Sullivan says.

Protesters chant loudly during Gov. Snyder’s budget presentation