
State by state: Where the U.S. election will be won and lost

Trump, who has often praised Russian President Vladimir Putin, made the comments in an interview with former CNN broadcaster Larry King, whose podcast was aired on Thursday night on the RT network, a 24-hour news channel that broadcasts in both English and Russian.


“That’s the single greatest achievement of Hillary Clinton”, said Trump, who has never held elected office. “But they are not America”. Not just for my blessings but also my faults”, she said, “and there are plenty.

As for preparation, Trump said he does not believe in doing mock debates, as is tradition for many candidates. Most of the criticism has been over Lauer’s handling of Trump, the Republican nominee.

National security is again takes centre stage in the United States, with Donald Trump calling rival Hillary Clinton “trigger happy”, and Mrs Clinton arguing Mr Trump’s proposals would make the world a more unsafe place.

Andy Lack, the chairman of NBC News and MSNBC, also praised Lauer’s performance at the forum in a memo to staff obtained by Politico. Trump aides reportedly worked in advance of the Republican National Convention to keep out of the party platform a pledge that the US would provide arms to Ukraine.

Trump seemed pleased that Hillary Clinton was questioned at length about her email practices. “Maybe the Democrats are putting that out – who knows”, Trump said. At the big presidential candidates’ forum in NY, he bragged about the two high points in his diplomatic history – the firing of the official whose idea it was to invite him to Mexico and his bromance with Vladimir Putin. Johnson made headlines this week after committing a big gaffe in an interview regarding his foreign policy.

Even before considering the 11 battleground states that traditionally decide the election – and one or two more Republican states that the alienating Trump may push into play – Clinton has a comfortable head-start of 200 to 165 electoral votes in the race to the 270 finish line.

Top surrogate Rudy Giuliani, a former mayor of New York City, said people should “go online” and look up “Hillary Clinton illness” to find stories about her health.

In the midst of the repeated coughing, she attacked her presidential rival for not being suited to serve as commander-in-chief.

Trump and his running mate, Indiana Governor Mike Pence, defended the comment.

Clinton then pivoted and tried to characterize the other half of Trump’s supporters, putting them in “that other basket” and saying they need understanding and empathy.

“Putin is an aggressor that does not share our interests”.

Clinton made her remarks at an LGBT fundraiser in NY late Friday.

Mrs Clinton had been speaking to supporters in Cleveland, Ohio, a key swing state, when she was struck with the “most aggressive” coughing fit of her campaign.

When asked what he has done to prepare for the presidency, about the best he could offer was that he has (supposedly) met with the retired generals and admirals who have endorsed him.


Trump’s and Clinton’s intensifying political combat over national security came as Clinton’s lead in opinion polls has slipped in recent days.

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